The program of the Three Days, organized by the Veloclub Cattolica headed by Massimo Cecchini and the Cicloteam 2001 Gabicce Mare headed by Roberto de Biagi, with the coordination of Filippo Magnani, will be full of novelties and will already reserve some important confirmations, such as the second edition of the Squali Gravel, thanks to the unexpected and remarkable success.

The three routes have also been confirmed, high approval rating for the first Squali 46. 

On the occasion of the Italian Bike Festival, scheduled at the Misano World Circuit on 15-16-17 September 2023 – registrations for the Squali Trek will be open with the promotional fee of 39 euros! Those who register during the three days, in addition to taking advantage of the special quota, will receive a customized Squali Trek sports bag for free.